AODA Multi-Year Planning Package

AODA Multi-Year Planning Package

As the deadline nears, don’t start from scratch!

We are already helping other municipalities and public sector organizations

with their Integrated Accessibility Standards requirements and can do the same for you.

See the full details below and sample pricing.

Or call 1-800-263-9648 x249 for a free phone consultation.


IASR Policy and Multi-Year Plan Development Proposal

Starting from under $15,000 complete (plus taxes)

Understanding of broader public sector organization needs

It is understood that all designated public sector organizations must, under the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, develop a multi-year accessibility plan, associated policy documents, and annual status reports on the accessibility plan’s progress.

People Access has created a package of services to assist organizations in meeting these requirements.

Key Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive review of the legislation to identify and create policies and proceduresin accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation 191/11
  • Create a draft Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 
  • Consult with the public, departments, and the organization’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (where applicable) in the development of the Policy and Multi-year Accessibility Plan (accessible meeting protocol will be employed)
  • Provide a presentation to the governing body on the Policy and the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
  • Ensure that the policies/plans established are consistent with the service delivery model of abroader public sector organization
  • Develop a framework/template for ongoing policy updates
  • Develop a framework/template for obtaining feedback from the public, as required


People Access offers a unique suite of services, support options and equipment that contributeto the goal of a fully accessible Ontario.

Our approach is to understand the specific needs of our client, and work with them to identify and implement solutions that meet the needs of both the AODA and the organization.  Our team of experienced professionals can provide advice, support and services on a wide range of disciplines including; accessibility law and compliance, policy development, alternate formats for documents, accessible communication methods, employment supports, adult education and training.

 Principles of our approach:

Consultation: we  work with you, listen to you and be there when you need us especially when challenges arise and creative solutions are necessary.

Build expertise: we  share information, methodologies and best practices so that you can build expertise in-house.

Connected: we are part of a national organization based on excellence. We are connected to international accessibility organizations and have strategic partnerships with key organizations within Canada. When challenges arise we can call on our colleagues for best practices and advice.

Project Management: We will have an appointed project manager that will provide on-going communication on the milestones for this project, and will coordinate with the organization.


Step Deliverables Timeline
Initial Steering Committee Meeting Start up meetingConfirmation of project and deliverables Week 1
Review/ Preparation Review of current Accessibility Plan, policies and related documentation Weeks 1-2
Identification of documentation needs Identification of documentation needs Weeks 3 and 4
Initial Draft Policies Draft policies governing how the organization will achieve accessibility – ready for consultation Week 5
Initial Draft five year plan framework and template for on-going updates Draft five year plan framework/template -ready for consultation. Week 6
Consultation- Accessibility Advisory Committee Consultation meeting with AAC on initial drafts Week 7/8
Consolidation of input to date Consolidation of input from AAC Week 7/8
Revisions to draft policy and plan framework Revisions to draft policy and plan framework Week 9
Public Consultation Public Meeting to gather feedback on initial policy drafts and framework Week 10
Consultation- Organization Departments Consultation on drafts with organization departments including library and police services Week 10
Revisions to draft policy and plan framework Revisions to draft policy and plan framework Week 11
Interim Meeting- Accessibility Steering Committee Optional- meeting to update the steering committee and verify findings Week 12
Complete policy and plan drafts Complete policy and plan drafts- ready for endorsement phase Week 12/13
AAC Endorsement Presentation to AAC to establish endorsement Week 14
Accessibility Steering Committee Endorsement Presentation to the Accessibility Steering Committee to establish endorsement Week 14
Presentation to Governing body Present the completed policy and five-year plan to Governing body for approval Week 15